Thursday, June 5, 2008

Lucky Seven

There was some concern about progress, things were stuck at 3.5 cm for quite some time. But after the epidural they were able to step up the Pitocen and now POW we're at 7 cm! This is really good because it means we most likely won't have to do a C-section. Hurray!
For those who are interested I am doing well, just a little tired. People complain about hospital food, but no one seems to complain about the price; it's expensive here! Anyway until next time...


The Editor said...

I was all atwitter yesterday, thinking THAT was the day for Curtis' arrival. We're praying and waiting! Go Stephanie! You can DO it!

Auntie Barbara in Dallas

Janice said...

Go Steph go!
Take good care of your girl, Jer!
We love you!

Janice said...

Go Steph go!
Take good care of your girl, Jer!
Love you both!